porting code to Atmel Studio 6.2

General discussions about V-USB, our firmware-only implementation of a low speed USB device on Atmel's AVR microcontrollers
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porting code to Atmel Studio 6.2

Post by highwayman » Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:27 am

Posted this at AVR Freaks, it may be more specific to V-USB, thus a second post..

I am have downloaded the source code from here:

So I imported the source files and folders as I interpreted from this videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_IvIQeRaCo
As you can see in the attached JPEG, something is not compiling. Since I have done this with 3 other similar types of code and gotten similar results... Did I miss a step? I am hoping that the screenshot may point to where I went wrong. The other failed attempts are specific to V-USB projects. I have been able to import other code and compile it, but it was a single file.


If this is too big of a project, I have just as much trouble importing and compiling the Power Switch - The del facto "easy project" :(

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Re: porting code to Atmel Studio 6.2

Post by highwayman » Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:07 am

Here is the answer:

Power Switch compiled.

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Re: porting code to Atmel Studio 6.2

Post by winelight » Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:39 pm

Glad you found the answer and that it worked for you too!

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Re: porting code to Atmel Studio 6.2

Post by swulf » Sat Sep 05, 2015 5:58 am


I am new to V-USB and I am trying to compile the example PowerSwitch project from here under Atmel Studio 6.2 on Windows 7. I have downloaded the 2012-12-08 version.

I was happy to find the guide posted by winelight here, but although I have tried to follow it, I don't encounter the same things they do, and at the end I cannot get the project to compile.

If someone might be able to help me with what are probably just stupid misunderstandings it would be really great. I'm really looking for a simple USB device like PowerSwitch but it is frustrating to be grounded by what looks like it might just be files in the wrong place, or...?

The one error that Atmel Studio reports is 'usbconfig.h: No such file or directory' for 'File: usbdrv.h, line 12, column 23 in Project: PSwitch'.

Thank you for any help,


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