
General discussions about V-USB, our firmware-only implementation of a low speed USB device on Atmel's AVR microcontrollers
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Post by Danny » Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:15 pm


I was trying the CDC examples on a tiny2313 this weekend. I ran into the CDC-bulk endpoint problem with current linux kernels. I know this can be fixed by patching the kernel but i thought i might try to use interrupt endpoints. When that works (through libusb) it shouldn't be too hard to modify the generic usb-serial driver to use those endpoints too and thus create a specific driver and confirm to the usb standards?

Now I've been looking at the usbavr code but I think I'm either missing something or overlooking it. The usbFunctionRead and Write functions are used for the control endpoint. The usbFunctionWriteOut for an interrupt-out endpoint but where's the usbFunctionReadIn? I assume that would be used for reading an interrupt-in endpoint?

Regards, Danny.

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Post by christian » Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:21 pm

The semantics are different for interrupt/bulk endpoints. There is no usbFunctionReadIn(). You need to call usbSetInterrupt*() and check for buffer space with usbInterruptIsReady*().

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