AVR-USB on an STK500?

General discussions about V-USB, our firmware-only implementation of a low speed USB device on Atmel's AVR microcontrollers
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AVR-USB on an STK500?

Post by bytelevel » Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:14 pm

Hi guys -

I'm trying to get AVR-USB running on an ATMega16 at 20MHz while on an STK500. Does anyone know if AVR-USB has ever been successfully run while on an STK500? I noticed the C64 keyboard uses the STK500 as an external programmer, but the project isn't running on the board - it's running off the power supplied by the USB cable. Tonight I'm planning on building the circuit on an external board to ensure it works, but it would be massively convenient for me to be able to debug and test the software from the STK500.

Maybe my problem is just a simple wiring issue - since I'm not using the VCC line of the USB cable, what should I do with it? I've tied the GND line of the USB cable to the GND on the STK500 - the VCC line from the USB cable is currently unconnected and unused.



Re: AVR-USB on an STK500?

Post by goeck » Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:48 pm


i wanted to do the same, but could'nt get it working on the STK500. So I simply built my own prototyping board and supplied data through ISP, which is a pretty convenient method for me now. Firstly I started with a wiring board that could have been connected to several pinheaders on the StK500, but this didn't however work at all. If anyone has some ideas on this, let me know.


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Re: AVR-USB on an STK500?

Post by maciek_urbanski » Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:49 pm

I had similar situation with STK600 (I'm not sure if it can be applied to STK500, so feel free to disregard my noobish ramblings).

I've used clock generator from STK600, but sadly it's too imprecise for V-USB to work. But when I used 16.5MHz mode in which V-USB has fairly large clock tolerance - it worked like a charm.


Re: AVR-USB on an STK500?

Post by Goeck » Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:12 am

I put a 12MHz Quarz on it an it doesn't work. I made a few attempts on an the internal (RC) clock, but this didn't work either.


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Re: AVR-USB on an STK500?

Post by bordi » Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:56 pm

With the last version of v-usb I connected a stk500 kit to usb
Remember to connect both GND signals together, the stk500 and the usb to get things at the same potential.
I was able to use it with 12 and 16MHz clock, I used the zener diodes hardware that is in the schematics folder.
If you have some difficulty you can PM me or ask here

bye c ya

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