making USBasp hardware with AVR-Doper 2008-04-27 firmware

General discussions about V-USB, our firmware-only implementation of a low speed USB device on Atmel's AVR microcontrollers
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Post by ahulap » Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:08 pm

I have tested it (precompiled usbasp-mega8-12mhz.hex), and it works!
But one little thing left: USBasp have 2 LEDs, and green (PC0) is always off. Maybe set it on forever in hardwareInit()?

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Post by christian » Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:26 pm

As far as I know, the green LED is not actually used by USBasp either. Since AVR-Doper does not have a status to display with this LED, we just leave it unconfigured.

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Post by ahulap » Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:19 pm

Green led is used like "ON" indicator. But all who build USBasp and use your firmware will have a "dead" led, this does not look good... I have rebuild AVR-Doper firmware and turn it on.
Is there any way to compile USDasp-Doper for ATmega48, HID-only, without debug? I've got around 4.6 kbytes with avr-gcc 4.3.0 from WinAVR-20080610 package. Maybe avr-gcc 3.x.x will give smaller code, but i can't test it...

And almost forgot: current STK500 software version is 2.0A, AVRstudio will always ask about firmware upgrade. CDC mode works stable only on my laptop, so i use HID mode and don't care about version.

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Post by christian » Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:08 pm

You can disable some functionality in hardware.h, just look at the first few defines.

The STK500v2 firmware version can be configured in stk500protocol.c, see defines for STK_VERSION_MAJOR and STK_VERSION_MINOR.

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