Hi everyone,
I have the exact same problem as the OP.
I made 2 usb IR receivers to control my Gnu/Linux computer with a standard IR remote.
The first one I made uses an attiny85 uC and I even wrote an instructable:
http://www.instructables.com/id/ATtiny8 ... -Receiver/The second one I made uses an atmega328p uC since I needed extra gpio to control an IR led that I installed to turn of/on the TV.
Both used to work pretty well for months, but then I started having random disconnections from both remotes (it could be after upgrading the operating system, but I am not sure about that).
Now it happens that the devices work well for a random amount of time, then they become not responsive and I need to pull out the device and plug it in again.
lsusb before and after the device becomes not responsive shows up no difference at all.
dmesg or direct inspection of /var/log/syslog do not evidence an state change at all.
So I'm having the same issues as the OP have.
My configuration has decoupling filter caps for the usb power lines (10uF and 0.1uF), 2 zener diodes (3.6V .05W) and the 68R resistors.
This is the schematics that I used for the attiny85 version:
https://cdn.instructables.com/FIK/5Z54/ ... &width=792The atmega328p is pretty much the same.
This is the code for the attiny85 version:
https://github.com/venumz/ATtiny85-USB- ... serial.inoThis is the code for the atmega328p:
https://github.com/venumz/atmega-328p-I ... yboard.inoIt is like those devices fall in some kind of suspended mode, but I do not know how to get them up and running.
I really hope that someone could give me a hand with this issue, this is a very interesting project in which I have invested a big amount of time and I see lots of uses for it.
Thanks in advance.
PS: FuzzyWombatSoup, did you find any solution since you posted this thread? I'd appreciate so much your help.