Any known issues with gcc 4.3.2 / AVRMacPack-20081213?

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Any known issues with gcc 4.3.2 / AVRMacPack-20081213?

Post by billroy » Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:28 pm

Hello and good day:

Are there any known issues building the avrusb-20081126 code with AVRMacPack-20081213? When I upgraded, my prototype stopped working.

I have a Tiny85 prototype here that runs the easylogger and hid-mouse code happily when built under gcc 4.3.0 from an earlier AVRMacPack.

I upgraded AVRMacPack to 20081213. Now, with the same code built with the new gcc 4.3.2/3.4.6, it fails to enumerate (error -62 on Linux). A simple LED blink program works fine.

Time for some debugging here but thought I'd send up a flare to see if this is a known wrinkle. Thanks in advance for any leads.



Update: Well it turns out it was the specific Tiny85. Or actually a class of them. Some work, some don't - it follows the chip, it's not the compiler. I do believe the oscillator calibration needs a look.

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Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:50 pm

OSCCAL it was...

Post by billroy » Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:04 am

My OSCCAL calibration was broken. The first sample it showed up was the first chip I dropped in the programmer after the compiler upgrade :)

All better. Case closed.


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