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Crosspack, xcode, v-usb

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:51 pm
by wireframewolf
Hey all. I'm working on my first project, and I need a little help getting the usb driver to work with my code.

I'm using Obdev's Crosspack to create an avr project in xcode. This is all well and good if the only file in my project is main.c, but since the makefile appears to control all the compiling, adding other files through xcode only causes compiling to fail. I guess I have to edit the makefile, but I don't really know much about makefiles. The whole purpose of using an IDE, to me, is to avoid that sort of thing.

Now I'm sure there's someone else out there doing a usb project and using crosspack and xcode, so I was wondering if someone could post what their makefile looks like so that I can use it as kind of a template. Your help is appreciated!

Edit: Oh duh, all the examples include make files that I can look at. Never mind @.@

Re: Crosspack, xcode, v-usb

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 10:39 am
by ruediheimlicher
I am using Crosspack with Xcode with a template from Nick Lott. I replaced the makefile with one from Eric B. Weddington, Joerg Wunsch, et al. which deals with all files in the project. I had to replace the PATH in the targets with '$(PATH):/usr/local/CrossPack-AVR/bin'.
the type of programmer must be specified on line 200 in the makefile.
You can download my version of the template from

On the site
you can find a AVR-Tool under 'Applications' and other helpful things tio work with the mac

I am using a Programmer from tuxgraphics. It works very well with my Mac (10.6.2) and the projects from the template.

Older way to create a template

Re: Crosspack, xcode, v-usb

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:33 pm
by pieter
Solved by ls -l /usr/local/CrossPack=AVR-20100115/etc/options | tail -c -3