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Tiny45 USB device not recognized after a reboot (solution)

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:27 am
by obrubov
When I developed device based on the Tiny45, I encountered a problem:
Windows could not recognize it after a reboot. It was recognizeed only after reconnecting.
I solved this problem by adding the following code:

Code: Select all

# include <avr/wdt.h> / / connect the library, watch dog timer
int main (void / / Start of program
   wdt_enable (WDTO_8S); / / give the command to restart the controller through 8 s, if WDT not reseted
   for (; ;) {/ * start the main program loop * /
       if (usbConfiguration! = 0) wdt_reset (); / / reset wd_timer if device connected to the USB and recognized by OS

That is, after starting the controller checks the value of usbConfiguration, if it is nonzero,
then the connection is successfully established and you can reset WDT.
If within 8 seconds, the device is not determined by the system, it goes to reboot.