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Device Manager -> USB Device Name?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:53 am
by schwa226

is there a sample how to change the shown default USB HID device name in the device manger.

I think it have something to do with USB_CFG_DESCR_PROPS_STRING_PRODUCT or something like this.

Is there a small sample just to change the shown USB device name.


Re: Device Manager -> USB Device Name?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:22 pm
by ulao
Do you mean like "HID-complaint game controller" in the case of a hig game controller? Because that is not changeable in firmware, that a m$ thing. You could hack the registry but I dont know where exactly. The only control you have, is the name, USB_CFG_DEVICE_NAME, this will change the device that shows up when the hardware if found.

Now if your using your own driver, and not using a HID, then I would think you can change it but again not in the firmware.

Re: Device Manager -> USB Device Name?

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:25 am
by schwa226
Thanks for the reply!

I mean the desccripton like here:

It is not my AVR! My AVR will show something like "HID input device". Just an example!

I get showed the right device name when I first connect the device to the host. Like "HIDKeys" with the example. After the installation it get only showed as "HID input device" in the device manager.

It would be bad if this a microsoft thing - not an AVR V-USB thing.