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Using with AVRStudio4

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 5:01 pm
by gator456
I am attempting to compile and program using AVRStudio, but I am getting "USB device not recognized".

I have started with the hid-mouse example in the example directory.

In AVRstudio I basically pointed to main.c, added usbdrv as my include directory. edited and included usbconfig-prototype.h.

Then I compiled using AVRStudio and programmed the hex file into the flash.

Did I miss anything?

I have my usb connector wired up using the Zener example.

Re: Using with AVRStudio4

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:06 pm
by maxi
Fuses perhaps? you really need to provide a lot more info such as F_CPU, avr model, type of zener used, any changes made to usbconfig.h and anything else you can think of that may be important. 'Device not recognised' is such generic error that could indicate so many things that it's impossible to guess the cause.