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Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:55 pm
by Coda
I picked up an unknown board for a couple of euros that turns out to have an ATmega329v on it, a small LCD, a couple of relays, and a few very small unidentifable ICs (could be voltage reg, temp sensor, sram, eeprom etc). I guess it might be out of a central heating control. One thing, every single pin has an exposed contact making it really easy for me to wire up a test harness. I'm going to try and dump the firmware if possible before I erase it, but I thought it would make a nice little USB project. Only problem is that it's the 'v' version, rated to 8mhz@5V. Anyone here had success with V-USB on the LCD controller specific ATmegas (169,329,649 etc)?

Re: ATmega329V

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:37 pm
by xiangrui
I don't have experience with those MCUs. But most MCUs allow higher frequency than specified. I played Atmega8L (says 8M) and Atmega168 (says 10M) at 12MHz, and both worked fine.

Re: ATmega329V

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:40 pm
by Coda
xiangrui wrote:I don't have experience with those MCUs. But most MCUs allow higher frequency than specified. I played Atmega8L (says 8M) and Atmega168 (says 10M) at 12MHz, and both worked fine.

Yeah I'm going to give it a go at 12mhz. Managed to solder an ISP harness to the board and dump the firmware and fuses, so just need to replace the 32khz crystal with a 12M. Then find a disassembler as I want to find out exactly what peripherals are on this thing :D