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ATMEGA8-with vusb

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:32 am
by nick.gouz
Hey folks.

I have seen few solutions and I tried them (some suggestions from various parts of this forum) nothing worked so here I am posting.

The issue.

I try to program and ATMEGA 8 via USB that is done.
But now I want to be able to send data via the USB that is not done, well short of it is but it is not working, I followed the simple example from downloads and the HDI. I have set it up as in the examples, But it is not working. I made two tries one for the simple one for the HDI. I was getting a segmentation fault at some point.

Now I get an error that device can not be found.

I tried to run and print the errorCode but without a success the int returns empty.

Now how I did it:

I linked the firmware files to my AVR project wrote my own main.c

Linked the usbconfig.h to the host computer software and copied needed files in the same directory.

I changed the clock Frequency

Did not change the PID and VID

as suggested from a forum:
#define USB_INTR_VECTOR INT0_vect

I have also diffident the CUSTOME_whatever for the usb_msg, the sixth pointer.

pretty much that is, I do not recall anything else been changed.

So any insight is welcomed, I am sure, I forget something or I overlook something.

PS I know this has most likely come up before but I spend days looking for the problem and I am out of ideas or tests to run and see what is going on and where.

Re: ATMEGA8-with vusb

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:41 pm
by nick.gouz
Hey folks

Problem located, it is Eclipse.

When I run the files from terminal everything works perfectly now I am looking into how to set up Eclipse