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unknown device on some computers not on others..

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:21 am
by hidfan
i have tried the hidkeys controller on 5 different computers made by more than one manufacturer(with usb 2.0) running the same installation of windows.. xp service pack 2. On 2 computers it works with out a problem, on 1 it asked me to install the device and then i did an automatic install and it simply asked me to point it to the sys file kbdhid.sys and on the other 2 it appears as an unknown device... Even if i try to point it towards the keyboard.inf driver.. it just tells me that the driver doesnt have info regarding the hardware...
and this is with the same single piece of hardware
I also tried the controller with 3 different macs and it works on all without a problem..
what kind of a problem is it with the 2 computers that it doesnt work on?
thanks for any info.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:13 pm
by christian
This is very likely a hardware voltage levels problem. Did you insert low power zener diodes at D+ and D- or add a voltage regulator?

Some computers tolerate 5 V levels, others don't.

same problem

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 5:59 pm
by juned
i have made ps2 to usb converter.i have use gamepade descriptor.i have same problem. In some computer specially which one has intel chipset for usb host controller it show me UNKNOWN device status it show that "drivers are not isntalled (code12)". and in driver version 5.1.2600.0.
But some computer it works fine..
in those computer driver version show that 5.1.2600.2180.
I have check that all pc have same version of file :
I have serched lots of ...but cant find problem.
SO What is problem ...Please Help....

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:59 pm
by christian
Windows always tries to refer to the device by name. If it does not know the name of the device, it was not able to read the device descriptor. Since this is a very basic thing, we must assume that USB does not work at all on these PCs.

The most likely cause for this type of failure is in the hardware. If it's not in the hardware, it may be a bug in older versions of the 16 MHz module (this is relevant only if you run this on 16 MHz, of course).

There may be other bugs in AVR-USB which are not yet known, of course...


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:13 am
by junedmunshi
I am using 12mhz crystle. As i told u in some computer it is not recognized.
after lot of searching i got this Image

So i think that it problem of windows or usb host controller chipset..

One more thing.. when motire with usb view it show me that enumaration failed. and pid and vid is not fetch by pc even not address.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 12:20 pm
by christian
I don't think that your USB adapter or host driver is broken. You can easily check this by connecting other devices.

As already mentioned, the most likely cause is a signal level problem. If you are using zener diodes, the must be low power types (<= 500 mW). Try removing the zener diodes and insert two 1N4148 into the 5 V supply instead to reduce the voltage. Measure the voltage on D- when no USB communication occurs. It should be well above 2.5 V.


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:16 pm
by munshi juned
i am using 1N4148 this diode...what i think i may be not compatible with some usb chipset.i marked that pc whose have intel usb host controller i doesnot work there ..i show me that 'unkonw device ' in device status it show that "dirvers are not installed" ..when i get massege usb not recongized it also show malfunctioning error. In most of computer whose have asus mother board or sis or stander chip set or generic usb host driver or standerd openhdc usb host controler my device recognized there and working properly...


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:18 pm
by munshi juned
hey my email id is can u give ur id or can u contact me on yahoo massenger.. i realy need help.. i will gone mad if it is not solved. thank a lot

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:47 am
by christian
You can contact me at the AVR-USB support address.

Can you please be more precise: How many 1N4148 did you use? What was the resulting supply voltage at the AVR? What's the idle voltage on D-?


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 1:25 pm
by junedmunshi
hey thank buddy finaly solved problem. actualy problem was that voltagle level at D- pin more than 3.6 volt almost 3.79...for some genral perpous pcb board fault. i have made whole circuit again ..and it wokrs good. thank a lot