USB7 (AVR-CDC) boards do not work through a USB hub

General discussions about V-USB, our firmware-only implementation of a low speed USB device on Atmel's AVR microcontrollers
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USB7 (AVR-CDC) boards do not work through a USB hub

Post by autorelease » Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:11 am

I'm using a few USB7 boards (ATmega48-powered LED displays controlled with AVR-CDC, and they work fine when connected directly to my computer (a Mac), but I cannot send data to them when they are connected to a USB hub.

When I have them connected to a hub, the appropriate /dev/cu.usbmodem*** devices appear, but attempting to write data to them does nothing. Sometimes I'll get a "resource busy" error or a hang.

Has anyone else encountered this problem when using AVR-USB/AVR-CDC devices through a hub? Is the problem with AVR-USB, AVR-CDC, or the USB7-specific code? Any suggestions on how I could fix this?

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