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IAR Assembler error in 2008-05-13 build

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 12:15 pm
by SwK
Recently when i was trying to compile the USB driver for one of my project in IAR i got the following 2 errors.

1. Error[18]: No such pre-processor command: 'warning' U:\AVR\EN25B80\USB_Version\usbdrv_20080513\usbdrv.h 502
2. Error[14]: Missing #endif U:\AVR\EN25B80\USB_Version\usbdrv_20080513\usbdrvasm.asm 21

on analysis it was found there is no #warning assembler directive and hence when i changed the line 502 from

#warning "You should define USB_CFG_VENDOR_ID and USB_CFG_DEVICE_ID in usbconfig.h"


#error "You should define USB_CFG_VENDOR_ID and USB_CFG_DEVICE_ID in usbconfig.h"

it worked

and the second error was so strange and it took around 2hrs to find out the root cause, the problem was in *.inc file macro section, kindly refer the attaached screenshot for more information. so the error was resolved by just adding a space before the keyword 'endm'.

have a nice coding
