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V-USB on ATmega2560 -- bad descriptor

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:28 am
by gruvin

I'm trying to get USBaspLoader.2010-07-27 working on an ATmega2560, in the bootloader area. There seems to be some problem with the device descriptor location in Flash (progmem), despite having ...

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(My ATmega2560 bootloader is of course installed at 0x3E000.)

In my OS X system logs, I'm seeing ...

The USB Family found a device at port 2 of hub @ 0x26400000 with a bad USB device descriptor (0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0 )

... which does seem to suggest that empty flash data from the wrong address page is being used.

I see in usbdrv/usbportability.h the following ...

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#ifdef __HAS_ELPM__
#   define PROGMEM __farflash
#   define PROGMEM __flash

... and ...

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#   define USB_READ_FLASH(addr)    pgm_read_byte_far(((long)USB_CFG_DRIVER_FLASH_PAGE << 16) | (long)(addr))
#   define USB_READ_FLASH(addr)    pgm_read_byte(addr)

... but I am not confident that these are being used (detected) as intended. (And I'm not sure how to test for that. I tried, but failed. :-/ )

I'm running on an iMac, under OS X 10.8, with CrossPack-AVR-20120217 (avr-gcc version 4.5.1.)

Thanks in advance for any help.


Re: V-USB on ATmega2560 -- bad descriptor

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:34 am
by gruvin
UPDATE: I just updated the usbdrv/ folder from USBaspLoader.2010-07-27 to the latest vusb-20120109 version. No change.

Re: V-USB on ATmega2560 -- bad descriptor

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:04 am
by gruvin

I have confirmed that the wrong USB_READ_FLASH macro is being defined, in usbdrv/usbportatbility.h ...

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#   define USB_READ_FLASH(addr)    pgm_read_byte_far(((long)USB_CFG_DRIVER_FLASH_PAGE << 16) | (long)(addr))
#   define USB_READ_FLASH(addr)    pgm_read_byte(addr)

... that #ifdef should resolve to TRUE, but in fact only the second macro is defined, thus preventing the correct Flash page from being read.

Replacing that whole block with ...

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#define USB_READ_FLASH(addr)    pgm_read_byte_far(0x30000UL | (unsigned long)(addr))

... fixes the problem. I now has a USBasp USB device enumerated! Yay \o/

But I don't understand why the #ifdef failed. I definitely have the following in usbconfig.h ..

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... and a grep of all files tells me there's no other instances of same, to do any overriding.


Re: V-USB on ATmega2560 -- bad descriptor

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:34 am
by gruvin

Code reformed to avoid the compiler warning about type casting ...

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#define USB_READ_FLASH(addr)    pgm_read_byte_far(0x30000UL + (unsigned)(addr))

Re: V-USB on ATmega2560 -- bad descriptor

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:41 am
by gruvin

Another wee bug for device with a lot of Flash. I had to change the following line in main.c ...

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*data = pgm_read_byte((void *)CURRENT_ADDRESS);

... to ...

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*data = pgm_read_byte_far(CURRENT_ADDRESS);

Hmmm, for compatibility with smaller ATmega's still, I probably should have made it ...

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#if (FLASHEND) > 0xffff /* we need long addressing */
*data = pgm_read_byte_far(CURRENT_ADDRESS);
*data = pgm_read_byte((void *)(unsigned)CURRENT_ADDRESS);

(Would anyone more knowledgeable than I, regards PROGMEM etc like to comment? *shrug*)

In any case, without this change, USBasp Flash reads resulted in the same 64Kbyte address space being read over and over, instead of progressing to the next bank as they should. First indication of this fault was "Verify failed. First mismatch at 0x10000".

Seems I now have a fully functioning

Re: V-USB on ATmega2560 -- bad descriptor

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:41 pm
by christian
gruvin wrote:UPDATE:
... that #ifdef should resolve to TRUE, but in fact only the second macro is defined, thus preventing the correct Flash page from being read.

Yes, that's a bug, the order of includes is wrong: usbportability.h is included before usbconfig.h. To fix it, simply delete the include of usbportability.h in usbdrv.c. This fix will be in the next release.

Re: V-USB on ATmega2560 -- bad descriptor

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:08 am
by gruvin
Ah, Cool. Thanks!

Yes, that fixed it. Yay \o/ :-D