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xbox 360s, huge device config, will it work?

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:16 am
by ulao
Will this even work on v-usb? Does v-usb have enough endpoints?

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9,        //bLength (length of interface descriptor 9 bytes)
  4,        //bDescriptorType (4 is interface)
  0,        //bInterfaceNumber (This is interface 0)
  0,        //bAlternateSetting (used to select alternate setting.  notused)
  2,        //bNumEndpoints (this interface has 2 endpoints)
  0xFF,      //bInterfaceClass (Vendor Defined is 255)
  0x5D,      //bInterfaceSubClass
  0x01,      //bInterfaceProtocol
  0,        //iInterface (Index of string descriptor for describing this notused)
  //Some sort of common descriptor? I pulled this from Message Analyzer dumps of an actual controller
  //Endpoint 1 IN
  7,        //bLength (length of ep1in in descriptor 7 bytes)
  5,        //bDescriptorType (5 is endpoint)
  0x81,      //bEndpointAddress (0x81 is IN1)
  0x03,      //bmAttributes (0x03 is interrupt no synch, usage type data)
  0x20, 0x00,    //wMaxPacketSize (0x0020 is 1x32 bytes)
  4,        //bInterval (polling interval in frames 4 frames)
  //Endpoint 2 OUT
  7,        //bLength (length of ep2out in descriptor 7 bytes)
  5,        //bDescriptorType (5 is endpoint)
  0x02,      //bEndpointAddress (0x02 is OUT2)
  0x03,      //bmAttributes (0x03 is interrupt no synch, usage type data)
  0x20, 0x00,    //wMaxPacketSize (0x0020 is 1x32 bytes)
  8,        //bInterval (polling interval in frames 8 frames)
//Interface 1
  9,        //bLength (length of interface descriptor 9 bytes)
  4,        //bDescriptorType (4 is interface)
  1,        //bInterfaceNumber (This is interface 1)
  0,        //bAlternateSetting (used to select alternate setting.  notused)
  4,        //bNumEndpoints (this interface has 4 endpoints)
  0xFF,      //bInterfaceClass (Vendor Defined is 255)
  0x5D,      //bInterfaceSubClass (93)
  0x03,      //bInterfaceProtocol (3)
  0,        //iInterface (Index of string descriptor for describing this notused)
  //A different common descriptor? I pulled this from Message Analyzer dumps of an actual controller
  //Endpoint 3 IN
  7,        //bLength (length of ep3in descriptor 7 bytes)
  5,        //bDescriptorType (5 is endpoint)
  0x83,      //bEndpointAddress (0x83 is IN3)
  0x03,      //bmAttributes (0x03 is interrupt no synch, usage type data)
  0x20, 0x00,    //wMaxPacketSize (0x0020 is 1x32 bytes)
  2,        //bInterval (polling interval in frames 2 frames)
  //Endpoint 4 OUT
  7,        //bLength (length of ep4out descriptor 7 bytes)
  5,        //bDescriptorType (5 is endpoint)
  0x04,      //bEndpointAddress (0x04 is OUT4)
  0x03,      //bmAttributes (0x03 is interrupt no synch, usage type data)
  0x20, 0x00,    //wMaxPacketSize (0x0020 is 1x32 bytes)
  4,        //bInterval (polling interval in frames 4 frames)
  //Endpoint 5 IN
  7,        //bLength (length of ep5in descriptor 7 bytes)
  5,        //bDescriptorType (5 is endpoint)
  0x85,      //bEndpointAddress (0x85 is IN5)
  0x03,      //bmAttributes (0x03 is interrupt no synch, usage type data)
  0x20, 0x00,    //wMaxPacketSize (0x0020 is 1x32 bytes)
  64,        //bInterval (polling interval in frames 64 frames)
  //Endpoint 5 OUT (shares endpoint number with previous)
  7,        //bLength (length of ep5out descriptor 7 bytes)
  5,        //bDescriptorType (5 is endpoint)
  0x05,      //bEndpointAddress (0x05 is OUT5)
  0x03,      //bmAttributes (0x03 is interrupt no synch, usage type data)
  0x20, 0x00,    //wMaxPacketSize (0x0020 is 1x32 bytes)
  16,        //bInterval (polling interval in frames 16 frames)
//Interface 2
  9,        //bLength (length of interface descriptor 9 bytes)
  4,        //bDescriptorType (4 is interface)
  2,        //bInterfaceNumber (This is interface 2)
  0,        //bAlternateSetting (used to select alternate setting.  notused)
  1,        //bNumEndpoints (this interface has 4 endpoints)
  0xFF,      //bInterfaceClass (Vendor Defined is 255)
  0x5D,      //bInterfaceSubClass (93)
  0x02,      //bInterfaceProtocol (3)
  0,        //iInterface (Index of string descriptor for describing this notused)
  //Common Descriptor.  Seems that these come after every interface description?
  //Endpoint 6 IN
  7,        //bLength (length of ep6in descriptor 7 bytes)
  5,        //bDescriptorType (5 is endpoint)
  0x86,      //bEndpointAddress (0x86 is IN6)
  0x03,      //bmAttributes (0x03 is interrupt no synch, usage type data)
  0x20, 0x00,    //wMaxPacketSize (0x0020 is 1x32 bytes)
  16,        //bInterval (polling interval in frames 64 frames)+
//Interface 3
//This is the interface on which all the security handshaking takes place
//We don't use this but it could be used for man-in-the-middle stuff
  9,        //bLength (length of interface descriptor 9 bytes)
  4,        //bDescriptorType (4 is interface)
  3,        //bInterfaceNumber (This is interface 3)
  0,        //bAlternateSetting (used to select alternate setting.  notused)
  0,        //bNumEndpoints (this interface has 0 endpoints ???)
  0xFF,      //bInterfaceClass (Vendor Defined is 255)
  0xFD,      //bInterfaceSubClass (253)
  0x13,      //bInterfaceProtocol (19)
  4,        //iInterface (Computer never asks for this, but an x360 would. so include one day?)
  //Another interface another Common Descriptor