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[SOLVED] EasyLogger

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:40 pm
by maxi
I have been trying to build the EasyLogger project and have run into some difficulties.
After programming the clock fuses as directed in the makefile, neither PonyProg nor Avrdude will recognise my chip :(
The latter does connect but returns an incorrect signature.

I suspect it could be due to the clock speed as everything was working until I set CKDIV8 to 'not divide by 8' but I'm not sure what I can do about it now.
I am using the ATtiny45 with a si-prog/ponyser type serial programmer.

I appologise if this is not an appropriate place to post this question but I have really no idea where else I could ask.
Any help or advice would be very much appeciated.

Re: EasyLogger

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:34 pm
by maxi
Ok, I just built myself a simple parallel programmer and have re-established connection to the avr :)

Seems there must be some limitations with those serial bit-bang ISP's I'd be qurious to know if anyone else has had the same problem.

To add to my joy the EasyLogger now correctly identifies itself as HID. My only problem now is that this only works with the pre-compiled .hex that came with the source files. For some reason when I compile it myself (i'm using AVRstudio) I get the dreaded 'Device not recognised' message.

Could someone please tell me what configs were set for the pre-compiled version?

Re: EasyLogger

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:44 pm
by maxi
Got it! Closer inspection of the makefile revealed some compiler options I was missing. I added -DF_CPU=165000UL to AVRstudio's configuration settings and all is now well :D

I will mark this now as solved, maybe someone else will find it useful.