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help with code snipit.

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:23 am
by ulao
Hey all, I want to adapt the ps2 example code in to my project. There are few lines I just dont understand. I'm sure its some sort of interrupt code but I need to change the pins and dont understand it.

is SPCR tied to port b, and I need port c's register, as far as I can tell from the data sheet its just a Control Register?

This code uses port B, I need it to use port C, and also changes the pin assignments.
Here is what I get from the SPCR setting.

[int not enable the ], [enable SPI ], [ Master SPI mode ( in bit 5 instead of 4?) ],[ bit 4 gets SPR1 that should be in bit 1],[ bit 3 gets SPR1 that should be in bit 0],[bit 2 gets DORD instead of CPHA],[bit 2 gets CPHA instead of SPR1],[bit 2 gets CPOL instead of SPR0]. Are these not order depended or something ?

Code: Select all

void spi_mInit()
   // SPI, master, clock/128 = 93.75khz (187.5 didn't work...)
   SPCR = (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(1<<SPR1)|(1<<SPR0)|(1<<DORD)|(1<<CPHA)|(1<<CPOL);
unsigned char spi_mSend(unsigned char podatek)   //straight from documentation

   // Gets information, sends it, waits untill it's sent, then reads the same register (used for both Input and Output) and returns it

   /* Start transmission */
   SPDR = podatek;
   while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)));

   return SPDR;

Later on it does a ps2buffer[0]=spi_mSend(0x01); but how does it know what pin to look at?