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Zener diodes (once more)

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:20 am
by myscha

I'm very puzzled about the recommendation of 3.6V zener diodes. I performed some simulations with LTSpice (5V source, 68 ohms resistor and a BZX84C3V6 model from Diodes Inc.) and the output voltage rises to 4.18V what is IMO too high above the 3.3V.

Is there anyone who can confirm this results or has any comments or experience with this?


Re: Zener diodes (once more)

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:05 am
by myscha
If anybody is interested in this topic I can provide the simulation results and also perform more simulations. I experienced that simulation results often hit real results very closely (sometimes unfortunately I have to say) and therefore I'd like to know how it behaves in this case.

Did anybody measure the voltage at the zener diodes (in reality)? What voltage did you measure?