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Arduino and AVRUSB integration progress

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:54 am
by follower

Since the topic of Arduino and AVRUSB integration has appeared on this board and other places in the past I thought I'd mention a couple of links if people were interested in pursuing Arduino/AVRUSB integration.

I've successfully built a "mini-shield" with the required components for USB connections and have integrated the AVRUSB library into the Arduino environment.

At the moment I've got a USB HID Keyboard demo working successfully with Mac OS X and Apple hardware.

If you're interested in following the project, building your own shield or using the code (I've posted an initial alpha release) you can check out my Arduino and AVRUSB Project Log or the associated Arduino forums Arduino and AVRUSB thread.

I've no idea at what point the integration breaks down as I haven't pushed it very hard but it's progress. It's also not entirely integrated smoothly so there's still room for more work there but I'm pretty pleased with the progress so far.

Thanks to obdev for their work on AVRUSB.


Re: Arduino and AVRUSB integration progress

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:20 pm
by apollononnno
I plan a boat loader in "mega168, mega164p, mega64, mega128", but do not advance because I do not understand it well.

"16MHz168pboot.hex"D+_PD2,D-_PD4 for arduino ?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:10 am
by apollononnno
I'm sorry.
I seem to have interfered with my hexafile.
I withdrew it immediately.

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:48 pm
by christian
@follower: Thanks for these very valuable links! I'll add your project log to Metaboard because the Arduino integration is especially interesting for this prototyping board!

@apollononnno: Why to you post hex files to some threads?