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HIDKeys (and other examples) dont seem to work [ATMEGA32]

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:47 pm
by terronis
Im doing a project for uni, for which i need to create a HID keyboard/mouse combo. One of the academics designed a dev board which is based around an ATMEGA32 (see here for the schematic:

My development environment consists of
OS: Windows 7
compiler: winavr
communication protocol: STK500

As i mentioned in the title, ive used the HIDKeys example (as well as quite a few other projects hosted here) and none of them work. Just in case you ask:
- ive changed the USB_CFG_DMINUS_BIT and USB_CFG_DPLUS_BIT to suit the board
- ive changed the mmcu compile flag in the make file to suit
- the fuse bits are 0xC9 (HIGH) and 0xDE (LOW), to be honest, im not sure what these should be set to...

So basically, after the above modifications, i compile and flash the chip. Unplug the usb cable and replug. All i get is a tooltip bubble saying "Device not recognised". Ive been using a program called USB View to try to get more info, but all that tells me is that its caused an enumeration error (DeviceFailedEnumeration).

Thanks for any help you can give me. If there is any other info needed, i'll get it to you as soon as possible, just ask.


Re: HIDKeys (and other examples) dont seem to work [ATMEGA32]

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 7:23 am
by terronis
Well, thank you all very much for this fine example of your support for your products.

Obviously you can stick your products up your collective arses.

Re: HIDKeys (and other examples) dont seem to work [ATMEGA32]

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 4:17 am
by maxi
I am sorry to here that the free support for this free software does not meet your expectations.
Although I must say that the firmware works fine with ATmega32 IME. I guess you must have done something wrong :roll:

Re: HIDKeys (and other examples) dont seem to work [ATMEGA32]

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 5:36 am
by frank26080115
Your fuses might be wrong, double check them
Here are your current settings ... LOCKBIT=FF

I'd recommend these settings ... LOCKBIT=FF

The change was from a low frequency crystal setting to a high frequency crystal setting (I think anything greater than 8 MHz counts as "high frequency")

Re: HIDKeys (and other examples) dont seem to work [ATMEGA32]

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 8:39 am
by Grendel
terronis wrote:Well, thank you all very much for this fine example of your support for your products.

Obviously you can stick your products up your collective arses.

Welcome in the real world where you have to think for yourself and actually read documentation.

This is a low-frequency forum for a free "product", any support here is given by people enthusiastic about it -- for free. Take it or leave it but don't start throwing a fit if nobody helps you immediately. You will not hold any job very long if that's your mode of operation.