Hello all,
I am using HIDKEYS with PortD.2 as the D+ connection and PortD.4 as the D- connection. It works perfectly as a foundation, but I am trying to add something here (wireless key entry):
I would like to use the PortD.0 as a USART RX pin for my wireless, since it is not used anywhere else. I would like it so that I can transmit a byte to the USART RX pin 0 and make the HIDKEYS output the key 'a' to windows, for example, using the ISR (USART0_RX_vect). However, I notice that when I connect PortD.0 to my receiver circuit, HIDKEYS is no longer recognized by windows. I am sure my receiver circuitry works since it's been tested thoroughly outside of HIDKEYs. Can somebody help?