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VSUB i didn't understand ?

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:45 am
by majd-ghadab
hello everyone
i didn't understand how VSUB works does it puts the code in the bootloader section in microcontroller ! (when i burn the hex code form this site)
then how i can program my micro controller next time (witch software) to use to not remove the bootloader code when i program my main code "i am using bascom avr"
and what is the hex file name for ATMEGA32A i didn't see the hex code for it or any other microcontroller in the downloaded vusb-20121206

Re: VSUB i didn't understand ?

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:01 pm
by ulao
Wow, you my friend would benefit from some reading up. Ok the generally Idea is this. You flash the BL code in hi-memory then using the preferred condition you can enter programming mode. At that point you can flash your main,hex. It puts this after the BT length in memory. Then you release the condition and your done.

condition: In the boot loader code near the end you will see a condition. Something like shorting a pin on portb to ground. You satisfy that condition when the chip is running the boot loader to enter programming mode. You will see a "new hardware found" pop up.

FYI: the boot loader needs its own pid! You can use the free one if you like but not for both the loader and the project.

Re: VSUB i didn't understand ?

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:09 am
by vouvoume
VUSB != bootloader !!!!!

V-USB is just a firmware-library to implement a low-speed USB device (exchange data with host computer via USB) on AVR controllers without hardware usb support.
A bootloader may utilze this as a bitpipe to get data to program - but it is not limited to this application.

You can do pretty much any data exchange - therefore on host-side you can use libusb.
An example with GUI can be found here:

Best regards,