example for Atmega8
Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 8:27 pm
I would like to make a simple one key sending device.
I am new with v-usb so please help me.
That's what I made :
WinAVR compilation output
and Windows says :
It's in Polish (btw. please forgive me my english mistakes if there are any.. ). "New HID device found ...", "Problem during installation ..."
What's wrong? Can you explain it to me?
I would like to make a simple one key sending device.
I am new with v-usb so please help me.
That's what I made :
Code: Select all
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include "usbdrv/usbdrv.c"
0x05, 0x01, // USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop)
0x09, 0x06, // USAGE (Keyboard)
0xa1, 0x01, // COLLECTION (Application)
0x0b, 0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, // USAGE (Generic Desktop:Keyboard)
0x15, 0x00, // LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)
0x26, 0xff, 0x00, // LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (255)
0x75, 0x08, // REPORT_SIZE (8)
0x95, 0x01, // REPORT_COUNT (1)
0x81, 0x00, // INPUT (Data,Ary,Abs)
static uchar buffer[1], idleRate, change;
usbMsgLen_t usbFunctionSetup(uchar setupData[8])
usbRequest_t *rq = (void *)setupData;
if((rq->bmRequestType & USBRQ_TYPE_MASK) == USBRQ_TYPE_CLASS)
if(rq->bRequest == USBRQ_HID_GET_REPORT)
buffer[0] = 0x31;
buffer[0] = 0;
change = ~change;
usbMsgPtr = buffer;
return sizeof(buffer);
} else if(rq->bRequest == USBRQ_HID_GET_IDLE)
usbMsgPtr = &idleRate;
return 1;
} else if(rq->bRequest == USBRQ_HID_SET_IDLE)
idleRate = rq->wValue.bytes[1];
return 0;
int main(void)
change = 0;
unsigned char i;
for(i = 0; i < 20; i++) // 300 ms
usbSetInterrupt(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++) // 1s
Code: Select all
# Hey Emacs, this is a -*- makefile -*-
# WinAVR Makefile Template written by Eric B. Weddington, Jörg Wunsch, et al.
# Released to the Public Domain
# Additional material for this makefile was written by:
# Peter Fleury
# Tim Henigan
# Colin O'Flynn
# Reiner Patommel
# Markus Pfaff
# Sander Pool
# Frederik Rouleau
# Carlos Lamas
# On command line:
# make all = Make software.
# make clean = Clean out built project files.
# make coff = Convert ELF to AVR COFF.
# make extcoff = Convert ELF to AVR Extended COFF.
# make program = Download the hex file to the device, using avrdude.
# Please customize the avrdude settings below first!
# make debug = Start either simulavr or avarice as specified for debugging,
# with avr-gdb or avr-insight as the front end for debugging.
# make filename.s = Just compile filename.c into the assembler code only.
# make filename.i = Create a preprocessed source file for use in submitting
# bug reports to the GCC project.
# To rebuild project do "make clean" then "make all".
# MCU name
MCU = atmega8
# Processor frequency.
# This will define a symbol, F_CPU, in all source code files equal to the
# processor frequency. You can then use this symbol in your source code to
# calculate timings. Do NOT tack on a 'UL' at the end, this will be done
# automatically to create a 32-bit value in your source code.
# Typical values are:
# F_CPU = 1000000
# F_CPU = 1843200
# F_CPU = 2000000
# F_CPU = 3686400
# F_CPU = 4000000
# F_CPU = 7372800
# F_CPU = 8000000
# F_CPU = 11059200
# F_CPU = 14745600
# F_CPU = 16000000
# F_CPU = 18432000
# F_CPU = 20000000
F_CPU = 12000000
# Output format. (can be srec, ihex, binary)
FORMAT = ihex
# Target file name (without extension).
TARGET = main
# Object files directory
# To put object files in current directory, use a dot (.), do NOT make
# this an empty or blank macro!
# List C source files here. (C dependencies are automatically generated.)
# List C++ source files here. (C dependencies are automatically generated.)
# List Assembler source files here.
# Make them always end in a capital .S. Files ending in a lowercase .s
# will not be considered source files but generated files (assembler
# output from the compiler), and will be deleted upon "make clean"!
# Even though the DOS/Win* filesystem matches both .s and .S the same,
# it will preserve the spelling of the filenames, and gcc itself does
# care about how the name is spelled on its command-line.
ASRC = usbdrv/usbdrvasm.S
# Optimization level, can be [0, 1, 2, 3, s].
# 0 = turn off optimization. s = optimize for size.
# (Note: 3 is not always the best optimization level. See avr-libc FAQ.)
OPT = s
# Debugging format.
# Native formats for AVR-GCC's -g are dwarf-2 [default] or stabs.
# AVR Studio 4.10 requires dwarf-2.
# AVR [Extended] COFF format requires stabs, plus an avr-objcopy run.
DEBUG = dwarf-2
# List any extra directories to look for include files here.
# Each directory must be seperated by a space.
# Use forward slashes for directory separators.
# For a directory that has spaces, enclose it in quotes.
# Compiler flag to set the C Standard level.
# c89 = "ANSI" C
# gnu89 = c89 plus GCC extensions
# c99 = ISO C99 standard (not yet fully implemented)
# gnu99 = c99 plus GCC extensions
CSTANDARD = -std=gnu99
# Place -D or -U options here for C sources
# Place -D or -U options here for ASM sources
# Place -D or -U options here for C++ sources
#---------------- Compiler Options C ----------------
# -g*: generate debugging information
# -O*: optimization level
# -f...: tuning, see GCC manual and avr-libc documentation
# -Wall...: warning level
# -Wa,...: tell GCC to pass this to the assembler.
# -adhlns...: create assembler listing
CFLAGS += -funsigned-char
CFLAGS += -funsigned-bitfields
CFLAGS += -fpack-struct
CFLAGS += -fshort-enums
CFLAGS += -Wall
CFLAGS += -Wstrict-prototypes
#CFLAGS += -mshort-calls
#CFLAGS += -fno-unit-at-a-time
#CFLAGS += -Wundef
#CFLAGS += -Wunreachable-code
#CFLAGS += -Wsign-compare
CFLAGS += -Wa,-adhlns=$(<:%.c=$(OBJDIR)/%.lst)
CFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-I%,$(EXTRAINCDIRS))
#---------------- Compiler Options C++ ----------------
# -g*: generate debugging information
# -O*: optimization level
# -f...: tuning, see GCC manual and avr-libc documentation
# -Wall...: warning level
# -Wa,...: tell GCC to pass this to the assembler.
# -adhlns...: create assembler listing
CPPFLAGS += -funsigned-char
CPPFLAGS += -funsigned-bitfields
CPPFLAGS += -fpack-struct
CPPFLAGS += -fshort-enums
CPPFLAGS += -fno-exceptions
CPPFLAGS += -Wundef
#CPPFLAGS += -mshort-calls
#CPPFLAGS += -fno-unit-at-a-time
#CPPFLAGS += -Wstrict-prototypes
#CPPFLAGS += -Wunreachable-code
#CPPFLAGS += -Wsign-compare
CPPFLAGS += -Wa,-adhlns=$(<:%.cpp=$(OBJDIR)/%.lst)
CPPFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-I%,$(EXTRAINCDIRS))
#---------------- Assembler Options ----------------
# -Wa,...: tell GCC to pass this to the assembler.
# -adhlns: create listing
# -gstabs: have the assembler create line number information; note that
# for use in COFF files, additional information about filenames
# and function names needs to be present in the assembler source
# files -- see avr-libc docs [FIXME: not yet described there]
# -listing-cont-lines: Sets the maximum number of continuation lines of hex
# dump that will be displayed for a given single line of source input.
ASFLAGS = $(ADEFS) -Wa,-adhlns=$(<:%.S=$(OBJDIR)/%.lst),-gstabs,--listing-cont-lines=100
#---------------- Library Options ----------------
# Minimalistic printf version
PRINTF_LIB_MIN = -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_min
# Floating point printf version (requires MATH_LIB = -lm below)
PRINTF_LIB_FLOAT = -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt
# If this is left blank, then it will use the Standard printf version.
# Minimalistic scanf version
SCANF_LIB_MIN = -Wl,-u,vfscanf -lscanf_min
# Floating point + %[ scanf version (requires MATH_LIB = -lm below)
SCANF_LIB_FLOAT = -Wl,-u,vfscanf -lscanf_flt
# If this is left blank, then it will use the Standard scanf version.
MATH_LIB = -lm
# List any extra directories to look for libraries here.
# Each directory must be seperated by a space.
# Use forward slashes for directory separators.
# For a directory that has spaces, enclose it in quotes.
#---------------- External Memory Options ----------------
# 64 KB of external RAM, starting after internal RAM (ATmega128!),
# used for variables (.data/.bss) and heap (malloc()).
#EXTMEMOPTS = -Wl,-Tdata=0x801100,--defsym=__heap_end=0x80ffff
# 64 KB of external RAM, starting after internal RAM (ATmega128!),
# only used for heap (malloc()).
#EXTMEMOPTS = -Wl,--section-start,.data=0x801100,--defsym=__heap_end=0x80ffff
#---------------- Linker Options ----------------
# -Wl,...: tell GCC to pass this to linker.
# -Map: create map file
# --cref: add cross reference to map file
LDFLAGS = -Wl,-Map=$(TARGET).map,--cref
LDFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-L%,$(EXTRALIBDIRS))
#LDFLAGS += -T linker_script.x
#---------------- Programming Options (avrdude) ----------------
# Programming hardware
# Type: avrdude -c ?
# to get a full listing.
# com1 = serial port. Use lpt1 to connect to parallel port.
AVRDUDE_PORT = com1 # programmer connected to serial device
# Uncomment the following if you want avrdude's erase cycle counter.
# Note that this counter needs to be initialized first using -Yn,
# see avrdude manual.
# Uncomment the following if you do /not/ wish a verification to be
# performed after programming the device.
# Increase verbosity level. Please use this when submitting bug
# reports about avrdude. See <http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/avrdude>
# to submit bug reports.
#---------------- Debugging Options ----------------
# For simulavr only - target MCU frequency.
# Set the DEBUG_UI to either gdb or insight.
# DEBUG_UI = gdb
DEBUG_UI = insight
# Set the debugging back-end to either avarice, simulavr.
#DEBUG_BACKEND = simulavr
# GDB Init Filename.
GDBINIT_FILE = __avr_gdbinit
# When using avarice settings for the JTAG
JTAG_DEV = /dev/com1
# Debugging port used to communicate between GDB / avarice / simulavr.
# Debugging host used to communicate between GDB / avarice / simulavr, normally
# just set to localhost unless doing some sort of crazy debugging when
# avarice is running on a different computer.
DEBUG_HOST = localhost
# Define programs and commands.
SHELL = sh
CC = avr-gcc
OBJCOPY = avr-objcopy
OBJDUMP = avr-objdump
SIZE = avr-size
AR = avr-ar rcs
NM = avr-nm
AVRDUDE = avrdude
REMOVE = rm -f
REMOVEDIR = rm -rf
COPY = cp
# Define Messages
# English
MSG_ERRORS_NONE = Errors: none
MSG_BEGIN = -------- begin --------
MSG_END = -------- end --------
MSG_SIZE_BEFORE = Size before:
MSG_SIZE_AFTER = Size after:
MSG_COFF = Converting to AVR COFF:
MSG_EXTENDED_COFF = Converting to AVR Extended COFF:
MSG_FLASH = Creating load file for Flash:
MSG_EEPROM = Creating load file for EEPROM:
MSG_EXTENDED_LISTING = Creating Extended Listing:
MSG_SYMBOL_TABLE = Creating Symbol Table:
MSG_LINKING = Linking:
MSG_COMPILING = Compiling C:
MSG_COMPILING_CPP = Compiling C++:
MSG_ASSEMBLING = Assembling:
MSG_CLEANING = Cleaning project:
MSG_CREATING_LIBRARY = Creating library:
# Define all object files.
OBJ = $(SRC:%.c=$(OBJDIR)/%.o) $(CPPSRC:%.cpp=$(OBJDIR)/%.o) $(ASRC:%.S=$(OBJDIR)/%.o)
# Define all listing files.
LST = $(SRC:%.c=$(OBJDIR)/%.lst) $(CPPSRC:%.cpp=$(OBJDIR)/%.lst) $(ASRC:%.S=$(OBJDIR)/%.lst)
# Compiler flags to generate dependency files.
GENDEPFLAGS = -MMD -MP -MF .dep/$(@F).d
# Combine all necessary flags and optional flags.
# Add target processor to flags.
ALL_ASFLAGS = -mmcu=$(MCU) -I. -x assembler-with-cpp $(ASFLAGS)
# Default target.
all: begin gccversion sizebefore build sizeafter end
# Change the build target to build a HEX file or a library.
build: elf hex eep lss sym
#build: lib
elf: $(TARGET).elf
hex: $(TARGET).hex
eep: $(TARGET).eep
lss: $(TARGET).lss
sym: $(TARGET).sym
lib: $(LIBNAME)
# Eye candy.
# AVR Studio 3.x does not check make's exit code but relies on
# the following magic strings to be generated by the compile job.
@echo $(MSG_BEGIN)
@echo $(MSG_END)
# Display size of file.
HEXSIZE = $(SIZE) --target=$(FORMAT) $(TARGET).hex
ELFSIZE = $(SIZE) --mcu=$(MCU) --format=avr $(TARGET).elf
@if test -f $(TARGET).elf; then echo; echo $(MSG_SIZE_BEFORE); $(ELFSIZE); \
2>/dev/null; echo; fi
@if test -f $(TARGET).elf; then echo; echo $(MSG_SIZE_AFTER); $(ELFSIZE); \
2>/dev/null; echo; fi
# Display compiler version information.
gccversion :
@$(CC) --version
# Program the device.
program: $(TARGET).hex $(TARGET).eep
# Generate avr-gdb config/init file which does the following:
# define the reset signal, load the target file, connect to target, and set
# a breakpoint at main().
@echo define reset >> $(GDBINIT_FILE)
@echo end >> $(GDBINIT_FILE)
@echo file $(TARGET).elf >> $(GDBINIT_FILE)
@echo target remote $(DEBUG_HOST):$(DEBUG_PORT) >> $(GDBINIT_FILE)
ifeq ($(DEBUG_BACKEND),simulavr)
@echo load >> $(GDBINIT_FILE)
@echo break main >> $(GDBINIT_FILE)
debug: gdb-config $(TARGET).elf
ifeq ($(DEBUG_BACKEND), avarice)
@echo Starting AVaRICE - Press enter when "waiting to connect" message displays.
@$(WINSHELL) /c start avarice --jtag $(JTAG_DEV) --erase --program --file \
@$(WINSHELL) /c pause
@$(WINSHELL) /c start simulavr --gdbserver --device $(MCU) --clock-freq \
@$(WINSHELL) /c start avr-$(DEBUG_UI) --command=$(GDBINIT_FILE)
# Convert ELF to COFF for use in debugging / simulating in AVR Studio or VMLAB.
COFFCONVERT = $(OBJCOPY) --debugging
COFFCONVERT += --change-section-address .data-0x800000
COFFCONVERT += --change-section-address .bss-0x800000
COFFCONVERT += --change-section-address .noinit-0x800000
COFFCONVERT += --change-section-address .eeprom-0x810000
coff: $(TARGET).elf
@echo $(MSG_COFF) $(TARGET).cof
$(COFFCONVERT) -O coff-avr $< $(TARGET).cof
extcoff: $(TARGET).elf
$(COFFCONVERT) -O coff-ext-avr $< $(TARGET).cof
# Create final output files (.hex, .eep) from ELF output file.
%.hex: %.elf
@echo $(MSG_FLASH) $@
$(OBJCOPY) -O $(FORMAT) -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .lock $< $@
%.eep: %.elf
@echo $(MSG_EEPROM) $@
-$(OBJCOPY) -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" \
--change-section-lma .eeprom=0 --no-change-warnings -O $(FORMAT) $< $@ || exit 0
# Create extended listing file from ELF output file.
%.lss: %.elf
$(OBJDUMP) -h -S -z $< > $@
# Create a symbol table from ELF output file.
%.sym: %.elf
@echo $(MSG_SYMBOL_TABLE) $@
$(NM) -n $< > $@
# Create library from object files.
%.a: $(OBJ)
$(AR) $@ $(OBJ)
# Link: create ELF output file from object files.
%.elf: $(OBJ)
@echo $(MSG_LINKING) $@
$(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $^ --output $@ $(LDFLAGS)
# Compile: create object files from C source files.
$(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.c
@echo $(MSG_COMPILING) $<
$(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Compile: create object files from C++ source files.
$(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.cpp
$(CC) -c $(ALL_CPPFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Compile: create assembler files from C source files.
%.s : %.c
$(CC) -S $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Compile: create assembler files from C++ source files.
%.s : %.cpp
$(CC) -S $(ALL_CPPFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Assemble: create object files from assembler source files.
$(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.S
@echo $(MSG_ASSEMBLING) $<
$(CC) -c $(ALL_ASFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Create preprocessed source for use in sending a bug report.
%.i : %.c
$(CC) -E -mmcu=$(MCU) -I. $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Target: clean project.
clean: begin clean_list end
clean_list :
$(REMOVE) $(SRC:%.c=$(OBJDIR)/%.o)
$(REMOVE) $(SRC:%.c=$(OBJDIR)/%.lst)
$(REMOVE) $(SRC:.c=.s)
$(REMOVE) $(SRC:.c=.d)
$(REMOVE) $(SRC:.c=.i)
# Create object files directory
$(shell mkdir $(OBJDIR) 2>/dev/null)
# Include the dependency files.
-include $(shell mkdir .dep 2>/dev/null) $(wildcard .dep/*)
# Listing of phony targets.
.PHONY : all begin finish end sizebefore sizeafter gccversion \
build elf hex eep lss sym coff extcoff \
clean clean_list program debug gdb-config
Code: Select all
/* Name: usbconfig.h
* Project: V-USB, virtual USB port for Atmel's(r) AVR(r) microcontrollers
* Author: Christian Starkjohann
* Creation Date: 2005-04-01
* Tabsize: 4
* Copyright: (c) 2005 by OBJECTIVE DEVELOPMENT Software GmbH
* License: GNU GPL v2 (see License.txt), GNU GPL v3 or proprietary (CommercialLicense.txt)
* This Revision: $Id: usbconfig-prototype.h 767 2009-08-22 11:39:22Z cs $
#ifndef __usbconfig_h_included__
#define __usbconfig_h_included__
General Description:
This file is an example configuration (with inline documentation) for the USB
driver. It configures V-USB for USB D+ connected to Port D bit 2 (which is
also hardware interrupt 0 on many devices) and USB D- to Port D bit 4. You may
wire the lines to any other port, as long as D+ is also wired to INT0 (or any
other hardware interrupt, as long as it is the highest level interrupt, see
section at the end of this file).
+ To create your own usbconfig.h file, copy this file to your project's
+ firmware source directory) and rename it to "usbconfig.h".
+ Then edit it accordingly.
/* ---------------------------- Hardware Config ---------------------------- */
/* This is the port where the USB bus is connected. When you configure it to
* "B", the registers PORTB, PINB and DDRB will be used.
/* This is the bit number in USB_CFG_IOPORT where the USB D- line is connected.
* This may be any bit in the port.
/* This is the bit number in USB_CFG_IOPORT where the USB D+ line is connected.
* This may be any bit in the port. Please note that D+ must also be connected
* to interrupt pin INT0! [You can also use other interrupts, see section
* "Optional MCU Description" below, or you can connect D- to the interrupt, as
* it is required if you use the USB_COUNT_SOF feature. If you use D- for the
* interrupt, the USB interrupt will also be triggered at Start-Of-Frame
* markers every millisecond.]
#define USB_CFG_CLOCK_KHZ (F_CPU/1000)
/* Clock rate of the AVR in kHz. Legal values are 12000, 12800, 15000, 16000,
* 16500 and 20000. The 12.8 MHz and 16.5 MHz versions of the code require no
* crystal, they tolerate +/- 1% deviation from the nominal frequency. All
* other rates require a precision of 2000 ppm and thus a crystal!
* Default if not specified: 12 MHz
/* Define this to 1 if you want that the driver checks integrity of incoming
* data packets (CRC checks). CRC checks cost quite a bit of code size and are
* currently only available for 18 MHz crystal clock. You must choose
* USB_CFG_CLOCK_KHZ = 18000 if you enable this option.
/* ----------------------- Optional Hardware Config ------------------------ */
/* If you connect the 1.5k pullup resistor from D- to a port pin instead of
* V+, you can connect and disconnect the device from firmware by calling
* the macros usbDeviceConnect() and usbDeviceDisconnect() (see usbdrv.h).
* This constant defines the port on which the pullup resistor is connected.
/* #define USB_CFG_PULLUP_BIT 4 */
/* This constant defines the bit number in USB_CFG_PULLUP_IOPORT (defined
* above) where the 1.5k pullup resistor is connected. See description
* above for details.
/* --------------------------- Functional Range ---------------------------- */
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0
/* Define this to 1 if you want to compile a version with two endpoints: The
* default control endpoint 0 and an interrupt-in endpoint (any other endpoint
* number).
/* Define this to 1 if you want to compile a version with three endpoints: The
* default control endpoint 0, an interrupt-in endpoint 3 (or the number
* configured below) and a catch-all default interrupt-in endpoint as above.
* You must also define USB_CFG_HAVE_INTRIN_ENDPOINT to 1 for this feature.
#define USB_CFG_EP3_NUMBER 3
/* If the so-called endpoint 3 is used, it can now be configured to any other
* endpoint number (except 0) with this macro. Default if undefined is 3.
/* The above macro defines the startup condition for data toggling on the
* interrupt/bulk endpoints 1 and 3. Defaults to USBPID_DATA1.
* Since the token is toggled BEFORE sending any data, the first packet is
* sent with the oposite value of this configuration!
/* Define this to 1 if you also want to implement the ENDPOINT_HALT feature
* for endpoint 1 (interrupt endpoint). Although you may not need this feature,
* it is required by the standard. We have made it a config option because it
* bloats the code considerably.
/* Define this to 1 if you want to declare interrupt-in endpoints, but don't
* want to send any data over them. If this macro is defined to 1, functions
* usbSetInterrupt() and usbSetInterrupt3() are omitted. This is useful if
* you need the interrupt-in endpoints in order to comply to an interface
* (e.g. HID), but never want to send any data. This option saves a couple
* of bytes in flash memory and the transmit buffers in RAM.
/* If you compile a version with endpoint 1 (interrupt-in), this is the poll
* interval. The value is in milliseconds and must not be less than 10 ms for
* low speed devices.
/* Define this to 1 if the device has its own power supply. Set it to 0 if the
* device is powered from the USB bus.
/* Set this variable to the maximum USB bus power consumption of your device.
* The value is in milliamperes. [It will be divided by two since USB
* communicates power requirements in units of 2 mA.]
/* Set this to 1 if you want usbFunctionWrite() to be called for control-out
* transfers. Set it to 0 if you don't need it and want to save a couple of
* bytes.
/* Set this to 1 if you need to send control replies which are generated
* "on the fly" when usbFunctionRead() is called. If you only want to send
* data from a static buffer, set it to 0 and return the data from
* usbFunctionSetup(). This saves a couple of bytes.
/* Define this to 1 if you want to use interrupt-out (or bulk out) endpoints.
* You must implement the function usbFunctionWriteOut() which receives all
* interrupt/bulk data sent to any endpoint other than 0. The endpoint number
* can be found in 'usbRxToken'.
/* Define this to 1 if you want flowcontrol over USB data. See the definition
* of the macros usbDisableAllRequests() and usbEnableAllRequests() in
* usbdrv.h.
/* Define this to 1 if you want to send/receive blocks of more than 254 bytes
* in a single control-in or control-out transfer. Note that the capability
* for long transfers increases the driver size.
/* #define USB_RX_USER_HOOK(data, len) if(usbRxToken == (uchar)USBPID_SETUP) blinkLED(); */
/* This macro is a hook if you want to do unconventional things. If it is
* defined, it's inserted at the beginning of received message processing.
* If you eat the received message and don't want default processing to
* proceed, do a return after doing your things. One possible application
* (besides debugging) is to flash a status LED on each packet.
/* #define USB_RESET_HOOK(resetStarts) if(!resetStarts){hadUsbReset();} */
/* This macro is a hook if you need to know when an USB RESET occurs. It has
* one parameter which distinguishes between the start of RESET state and its
* end.
/* #define USB_SET_ADDRESS_HOOK() hadAddressAssigned(); */
/* This macro (if defined) is executed when a USB SET_ADDRESS request was
* received.
#define USB_COUNT_SOF 0
/* define this macro to 1 if you need the global variable "usbSofCount" which
* counts SOF packets. This feature requires that the hardware interrupt is
* connected to D- instead of D+.
/* #ifdef __ASSEMBLER__
* macro myAssemblerMacro
* in YL, TCNT0
* sts timer0Snapshot, YL
* endm
* #endif
* #define USB_SOF_HOOK myAssemblerMacro
* This macro (if defined) is executed in the assembler module when a
* Start Of Frame condition is detected. It is recommended to define it to
* the name of an assembler macro which is defined here as well so that more
* than one assembler instruction can be used. The macro may use the register
* YL and modify SREG. If it lasts longer than a couple of cycles, USB messages
* immediately after an SOF pulse may be lost and must be retried by the host.
* What can you do with this hook? Since the SOF signal occurs exactly every
* 1 ms (unless the host is in sleep mode), you can use it to tune OSCCAL in
* designs running on the internal RC oscillator.
* Please note that Start Of Frame detection works only if D- is wired to the
/* define this macro to 1 if you want to filter out duplicate data packets
* sent by the host. Duplicates occur only as a consequence of communication
* errors, when the host does not receive an ACK. Please note that you need to
* implement the filtering yourself in usbFunctionWriteOut() and
* usbFunctionWrite(). Use the global usbCurrentDataToken and a static variable
* for each control- and out-endpoint to check for duplicate packets.
/* define this macro to 1 if you want the function usbMeasureFrameLength()
* compiled in. This function can be used to calibrate the AVR's RC oscillator.
#define USB_USE_FAST_CRC 0
/* The assembler module has two implementations for the CRC algorithm. One is
* faster, the other is smaller. This CRC routine is only used for transmitted
* messages where timing is not critical. The faster routine needs 31 cycles
* per byte while the smaller one needs 61 to 69 cycles. The faster routine
* may be worth the 32 bytes bigger code size if you transmit lots of data and
* run the AVR close to its limit.
/* -------------------------- Device Description --------------------------- */
#define USB_CFG_VENDOR_ID 0xc0, 0x16 /* = 0x16c0 = 5824 = voti.nl */
/* USB vendor ID for the device, low byte first. If you have registered your
* own Vendor ID, define it here. Otherwise you may use one of obdev's free
* shared VID/PID pairs. Be sure to read USB-IDs-for-free.txt for rules!
* This template uses obdev's shared VID/PID pair for Vendor Class devices
* with libusb: 0x16c0/0x5dc. Use this VID/PID pair ONLY if you understand
* the implications!
#define USB_CFG_DEVICE_ID 0xdf, 0x05
/* This is the ID of the product, low byte first. It is interpreted in the
* scope of the vendor ID. If you have registered your own VID with usb.org
* or if you have licensed a PID from somebody else, define it here. Otherwise
* you may use one of obdev's free shared VID/PID pairs. See the file
* USB-IDs-for-free.txt for details!
* This template uses obdev's shared VID/PID pair for Vendor Class devices
* with libusb: 0x16c0/0x5dc. Use this VID/PID pair ONLY if you understand
* the implications!
#define USB_CFG_DEVICE_VERSION 0x00, 0x01
/* Version number of the device: Minor number first, then major number.
//#define USB_CFG_VENDOR_NAME 'o', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'v', '.', 'a', 't'
/* These two values define the vendor name returned by the USB device. The name
* must be given as a list of characters under single quotes. The characters
* are interpreted as Unicode (UTF-16) entities.
* If you don't want a vendor name string, undefine these macros.
* ALWAYS define a vendor name containing your Internet domain name if you use
* obdev's free shared VID/PID pair. See the file USB-IDs-for-free.txt for
* details.
#define USB_CFG_DEVICE_NAME 't','e','s','t',' ','U','S','B'
/* Same as above for the device name. If you don't want a device name, undefine
* the macros. See the file USB-IDs-for-free.txt before you assign a name if
* you use a shared VID/PID.
/*#define USB_CFG_SERIAL_NUMBER 'N', 'o', 'n', 'e' */
/* Same as above for the serial number. If you don't want a serial number,
* undefine the macros.
* It may be useful to provide the serial number through other means than at
* compile time. See the section about descriptor properties below for how
* to fine tune control over USB descriptors such as the string descriptor
* for the serial number.
#define USB_CFG_DEVICE_CLASS 0xff /* set to 0 if deferred to interface */
/* See USB specification if you want to conform to an existing device class.
* Class 0xff is "vendor specific".
#define USB_CFG_INTERFACE_CLASS 0x03 /* define class here if not at device level */
/* See USB specification if you want to conform to an existing device class or
* protocol. The following classes must be set at interface level:
* HID class is 3, no subclass and protocol required (but may be useful!)
* CDC class is 2, use subclass 2 and protocol 1 for ACM
/* Define this to the length of the HID report descriptor, if you implement
* an HID device. Otherwise don't define it or define it to 0.
* If you use this define, you must add a PROGMEM character array named
* "usbHidReportDescriptor" to your code which contains the report descriptor.
* Don't forget to keep the array and this define in sync!
/* #define USB_PUBLIC static */
/* Use the define above if you #include usbdrv.c instead of linking against it.
* This technique saves a couple of bytes in flash memory.
/* ------------------- Fine Control over USB Descriptors ------------------- */
/* If you don't want to use the driver's default USB descriptors, you can
* provide our own. These can be provided as (1) fixed length static data in
* flash memory, (2) fixed length static data in RAM or (3) dynamically at
* runtime in the function usbFunctionDescriptor(). See usbdrv.h for more
* information about this function.
* Descriptor handling is configured through the descriptor's properties. If
* no properties are defined or if they are 0, the default descriptor is used.
* Possible properties are:
* + USB_PROP_IS_DYNAMIC: The data for the descriptor should be fetched
* at runtime via usbFunctionDescriptor(). If the usbMsgPtr mechanism is
* used, the data is in FLASH by default. Add property USB_PROP_IS_RAM if
* you want RAM pointers.
* + USB_PROP_IS_RAM: The data returned by usbFunctionDescriptor() or found
* in static memory is in RAM, not in flash memory.
* + USB_PROP_LENGTH(len): If the data is in static memory (RAM or flash),
* the driver must know the descriptor's length. The descriptor itself is
* found at the address of a well known identifier (see below).
* List of static descriptor names (must be declared PROGMEM if in flash):
* char usbDescriptorDevice[];
* char usbDescriptorConfiguration[];
* char usbDescriptorHidReport[];
* char usbDescriptorString0[];
* int usbDescriptorStringVendor[];
* int usbDescriptorStringDevice[];
* int usbDescriptorStringSerialNumber[];
* Other descriptors can't be provided statically, they must be provided
* dynamically at runtime.
* Descriptor properties are or-ed or added together, e.g.:
* The following descriptors are defined:
* USB_CFG_DESCR_PROPS_UNKNOWN (for all descriptors not handled by the driver)
* Note about string descriptors: String descriptors are not just strings, they
* are Unicode strings prefixed with a 2 byte header. Example:
* int serialNumberDescriptor[] = {
* 'S', 'e', 'r', 'i', 'a', 'l'
* };
/* ----------------------- Optional MCU Description ------------------------ */
/* The following configurations have working defaults in usbdrv.h. You
* usually don't need to set them explicitly. Only if you want to run
* the driver on a device which is not yet supported or with a compiler
* which is not fully supported (such as IAR C) or if you use a differnt
* interrupt than INT0, you may have to define some of these.
/* #define USB_INTR_CFG MCUCR */
/* #define USB_INTR_CFG_SET ((1 << ISC00) | (1 << ISC01)) */
/* #define USB_INTR_CFG_CLR 0 */
/* #define USB_INTR_ENABLE_BIT INT0 */
#endif /* __usbconfig_h_included__ */
WinAVR compilation output
Code: Select all
> "make.exe" all
-------- begin --------
avr-gcc (WinAVR 20090313) 4.3.2
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Compiling C: main.c
avr-gcc -c -mmcu=atmega8 -I. -gdwarf-2 -DF_CPU=12000000UL -Os -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wa,-adhlns=./main.lst -std=gnu99 -MMD -MP -MF .dep/main.o.d main.c -o main.o
Assembling: usbdrv/usbdrvasm.S
avr-gcc -c -mmcu=atmega8 -I. -x assembler-with-cpp -DF_CPU=12000000 -Wa,-adhlns=./usbdrv/usbdrvasm.lst,-gstabs,--listing-cont-lines=100 usbdrv/usbdrvasm.S -o usbdrv/usbdrvasm.o
Linking: main.elf
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega8 -I. -gdwarf-2 -DF_CPU=12000000UL -Os -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wa,-adhlns=main.o -std=gnu99 -MMD -MP -MF .dep/main.elf.d main.o usbdrv/usbdrvasm.o --output main.elf -Wl,-Map=main.map,--cref -lm
Creating load file for Flash: main.hex
avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .lock main.elf main.hex
Creating load file for EEPROM: main.eep
avr-objcopy -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" \
--change-section-lma .eeprom=0 --no-change-warnings -O ihex main.elf main.eep || exit 0
Creating Extended Listing: main.lss
avr-objdump -h -S -z main.elf > main.lss
Creating Symbol Table: main.sym
avr-nm -n main.elf > main.sym
Size after:
AVR Memory Usage
Device: atmega8
Program: 1596 bytes (19.5% Full)
(.text + .data + .bootloader)
Data: 60 bytes (5.9% Full)
(.data + .bss + .noinit)
-------- end --------
> Process Exit Code: 0
> Time Taken: 00:01
and Windows says :
It's in Polish (btw. please forgive me my english mistakes if there are any.. ). "New HID device found ...", "Problem during installation ..."
What's wrong? Can you explain it to me?