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easy UART USB bridge

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:29 am
by dzairo
Hi all.
I want create easy UART to from USB bridge. only one defined speed I want use .
I use easy HID project HID-Data.
On one packet can send only 8bytes on one time (7data+1ReportID) I don't need more.
if receive data from uart then store it to buffer and control , id data stored size are 7 then send it with usbSetInterrupt((uchar*) data, 8);
and on my PC receive this data. if data are less then 7bytes then I have timeout 10ms. if no data come to 10ms then send data (other are 0).
but I have problem if receive data more then 15bytes.
I don't solve problem

Question is how can I check if data are send or not.

Have any one some easy code how to do that??? on net is virtual serial port (work good) but I want use in HID class.
In HID-Data is used size 128bytes write read data from to internal EEprom. what size is max???

any idea .

Re: easy UART USB bridge

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:38 pm
by dzairo
I'm finish.
I solve problem . now I have easy HID USB-USART bridge.
I use some function form CDC-USB and from HID-Data
