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Problem with D+/D- on PD0/PD1 on Tiny2313

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:37 pm
by ChF
As many others I started with the 'Powerswitch' and it worked from the begiining. Then I tried to move the D+ and D- line to PORTD Pin0 an Pin1 and - no success. (I changed it in 'config.h', I changed the Portdirection (DDRD) in main.c, and I removed odDebugInit(); (it maybe uses PD0 and PD1 as serial DebugOutput)). It doesn't work with PD1 and PD3 too (PD2 is the INT0-Input), but it works with PD3 and PD4. Therefor my question: Isn't it possible to use the lower Pins on PortD on a AtTiny2313 for D+ and D-, or did I make a mistake?


Re: Problem with D+/D- on PD0/PD1 on Tiny2313

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:01 pm
by ChF
Sorry, was a Problem withe the Compiler/WinAVR (did not take always the recent version of my main.c and usbconfig.h-File for compiling). Now it works.
