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Help! Windows stopped device it reported a problem?

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:37 pm
by Gorm
Im trying to get this thing to work. Let me first detail my setup.
I have an atmega8 with a 16MHz crystal . D+ is attached through a 350 resistor to INT0,PD2. D- is attached through a 350 resistor to PD4.
On the d+ line i have a zener diode in series with another zener diode in opposite direction (i.e. clipper diode configuration) to produce a 2.9+.7 voltage drop.
The same is on the D- line . A 1.5k pullup resistor is on the D- line to the 5 volt usb supply which also powers the atmega8. I'm using the demo powerswitch program. In addition, im using the newest v-usb with it. The usbconfig.h file has been adjusted accordingly for the D- and D+ lines, everything else has been left as is.

When i plug everything in , i read a 3.53 volts on the D- line and approximately 0 on the D+ line (it actually shows from -8 mv to 8 mv)

When i plug it in, i get a 'unkown device' error. Then, when i click on it to get more details, i receive the following error:
'Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)'

Does anyone know why i would receive this error? Does it mean the device has actually communicated successfully with the computer to report a problem?

Re: Help! Windows stopped device it reported a problem?

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:41 pm
by Gorm
Well i plugged a new, non programmed avr in and i received the same message. so it isn't communicating with the computer

Re: Help! Windows stopped device it reported a problem?

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:21 pm
by maxi
Gorm wrote:On the d+ line i have a zener diode in series with another zener diode in opposite direction (i.e. clipper diode configuration) to produce a 2.9+.7 voltage drop.

I suggest you try one of the setups recommended in the wiki You may be getting the correct levels initially but both lines need to be to pulled in opposing directions to facillitate data transfer. Some systems I am finding are more forgiving than others.

Re: Help! Windows stopped device it reported a problem?

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:14 pm
by Saimon
On line D+ and D- use 68~100 Ohm resistors! And zenner diodes must be plugged as shown at Solution B!
If you want to use 2 diodes to drop out 1.4V, you must use Solution A the second shematic. And one more: make shure, that fuses programmed OK! Try?

Re: Help! Windows stopped device it reported a problem?

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 4:09 am
by Gorm
So i tried Solution A, diode drop (and just, btw, im on windows 7)

3.68 volts on D- line, 0 on D+ line

.4 uF between V/gnd - when they are connected to rest of circuit, the voltmeter starts to flicker when measuring capacitance. Probably normal.. Also, they are a little ways from usb line as i am now hooking ancillary stuff to a breadboard.

67.4 ohm - D- line
100 ohm - D+ line
2 zener diodes wrong way to produce 1.4 volt drop

Also, the WATCH DOG TIMER ALWAYS ON fuse bit is set to no. (im reading off a fuse file in eclipse,
so i don't know if that corresponds to a 1 or 0). Don't know if that is important.

16 mhz crystal - when pulled out microcontroller cant be programmed. fuse bits are set correctly (CKOPT = yes, SUT_CKSEL (Select clock source) = ext crystal/resonator high freq, start up time 258 CK + 4ms)

So, in terms of hardware, the only thing that i can see that I don't have exactly like the configuration is that i used zener diodes to produce .7 volts and i have 2 different resistor values on the D+ and D- line (only things i had!) I'll have to wait like 2 days if i absolutely need to get the exact values and regular diodes.
Just wondering, on the software side, is code like the powerswitch still supposed to work with the newest v-usb or should i use the old one?

Any further debugging ideas? Im sure its something really obvious...

Re: Help! Windows stopped device it reported a problem?

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:46 am
by Gorm
Alrigiht, still not working. I replaced resistors with 68 ohm and zener diodes witih regular diodes.
I searched a little and found a thread back from a few years ago in which the user also had troubles with 16mhz crystals.
Has this been resolved? I guess my next step will be to try a 12 mhz crystal if i can get my hands on one and hook up the serial port for debugging. And try it on an older computer :D

Re: Help! Windows stopped device it reported a problem?

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:01 am
by Gorm
Quick question: I have my setup on a perfboard. Should i be looking for any ground loops that might give interference? The microcontroller is being programmed fine but...

Re: Help! Windows stopped device it reported a problem?

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:39 am
by Grendel
I've used V-USB w/ a mega8 16MHz just fine. Fuse bytes I use: high: 0xD9, low: 0x1F (w/o bootloader)

Re: Help! Windows stopped device it reported a problem?

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:01 pm
by Gorm
Which hardware option do you use? Thing is, i've used this successfully a while back but i used the 3.6v zener diode but nwo i don't know where its gone....

Re: Help! Windows stopped device it reported a problem?

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:24 pm
by Grendel
3.6V Z-diodes & 62Ohm. Make sure the diodes are rated 500mW or less.

Re: Help! Windows stopped device it reported a problem?

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:08 pm
by maxi
If it IS a mega8 (not mega8A or mega8L) then I don't think it's rated for < 4.5v operation. Check the datasheet for your device and make sure it can run at 16Mhz at ~3.6v.

Re: Help! Windows stopped device it reported a problem?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:32 am
by Gorm
Dang, you're right. the atmega8-16pu, at 16mhz, has an operational voltage range from 4.5-5.5 volts. No solution A i guess. That leaves pretty much the zener diodes. All right, so maybe a silly question, but if I have 3.6 volt zener diodes which claim to be such but regulate the voltage from 2.9 up to around 3.6 as i change voltage from 5 to around 12, what does this exactly mean. Defective zener diodes? Ive never heard of this behavior before and i used a 10k resistor in series with the diode and measured around the diode, not the resistor, so... :(