When I compile hiddata commandline as single file (hidtool.c) I link libraries libsetupapi.a and libhid.a and it compliles without any problem.
But when I create a empty project and add hidtool.c to it, it seems that it cant find these libraries because some linker errors happen. I was trying to link them either by Tools -> Compiler Options ->Add these commands to linker command line or by Project Options->Additional Command Line Options but it doesnt work.
Is there any solution to that problem?
Code: Select all
Objects/MingW/hiddata.o(.text+0x86):hiddata.c: undefined reference to `_Z15HidD_GetHidGuidP5_GUID@4'
Objects/MingW/hiddata.o(.text+0x20c):hiddata.c: undefined reference to `_Z18HidD_GetAttributesPvP15HIDD_ATTRIBUTES@8'
Objects/MingW/hiddata.o(.text+0x261):hiddata.c: undefined reference to `_Z26HidD_GetManufacturerStringPvS_m@12'
Objects/MingW/hiddata.o(.text+0x2b7):hiddata.c: undefined reference to `_Z21HidD_GetProductStringPvS_m@12'
Objects/MingW/hiddata.o(.text+0x369):hiddata.c: undefined reference to `_Z15HidD_SetFeaturePvS_m@12'
Objects/MingW/hiddata.o(.text+0x3b7):hiddata.c: undefined reference to `_Z15HidD_GetFeaturePvS_m@12'