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avrusb with external power source

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:09 pm
by sowisz
Hi everyone!
Is this possible to use avr usb when powering board from external source (large graphical display)?
What should be the proper schematic diagram?

Thank you in advance.
Grzegorz Sowa

Re: avrusb with external power source

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:50 pm
by christian
It is possible to use an external supply. I'd recommend taking all the power from your own supply and leave the USB 5V unused. This violates the spec, I think, because your pull-up delivers current when the host is powered off, but that should not cause any real problems.

Re: avrusb with external power source

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:37 am
by Grendel
Most self-powered devices seem to request 2mA (smallest value possible) via config descriptor for that reason it seems.