I'm using BootloadHID with Mega32A at 16Mhz. Bootloader got size 1688 bytes with 0x7800 start address.
Fuse set: LOW:0xef HIGH:0x9b (Boot Flash Size=2048 bytes)
Application flash section = 0x0000-0x77FF (30720 bytes). My hex file size 29416 bytes. Why i get write error after 0x7000? Please help.
UPD. If image not visible, => https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1Bfm2ew-eoFdUNhYTZJakkwOU0/view?usp=sharing
BootloadHID(Mega32A) write error at 0x7000
Re: BootloadHID(Mega32A) write error at 0x7000
Using command line program:
Is there a difference between writing pages below 0x7000 and above above 0x7000?
Code: Select all
$bootloadHID.exe test.hex
Page size = 128 (0x80)
Device size = 32768 (0x8000); 30720 bytes remaining
Uploading 29440 (0x7300) bytes starting at 0 (0x0)
0x07000 ... 0x07080Error uploading data block: Communication error with device
Is there a difference between writing pages below 0x7000 and above above 0x7000?
Read-While-Write section (RWW)_______________224____$0000 - $37FF (in bytes = 0x0000-0x6FFF = 28672 bytes)
No Read-While-Write section (NRWW)___________32_____$3800 - $3FFF (in bytes = 0x7000-0x7FFF = 4096 bytes)