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Changing Automator for ATtiny45

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:09 pm
by Covenant
Hi Everyone

My purpose is only detecting HID device in windows and read and write EEPROM.I want to use ATtiny45.
For this reason i start to remove some functionality of Automator to recduce hex file to be suitable for ATtiny45.
I remove following functions:


Also i comment " if ( TIFR & ... until pollAdc() " in the main() and change USB_CFG_IOPORTNAME to B because ATtiny45 has not PortD.
Also i change atmega8 to attiny45 in MakeFile.

With above changes it works still properly for Atmega8 and i can read and write EEPROM from a simple VC application but for ATtiny45 it does not recognize by windows as a HID device! I test some fuse bits also but problem still remain.

Has anyone any idea to solve this problem?


Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 2:29 pm
by christian
Please have a look at projects based on the ATTiny45, such as i2c-tiny-usb or AVR-CDC.

Read and Write eeprom from high level

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:03 pm
by covenant
Hi Everyone

Thanks a lot.I solved the problem with new version of winavr.Now I want to send an address to tiny45 and read a byte of eeprom.I found eeprom_read_block in firmware and i can get all 256 byte of eeprom with HidD_GetFeature() api but i can't send an address and get only one byte!
Is there any idea about it?

Thanks a lot

Changing Automator for ATtiny45

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:11 pm
by padidafzar
hi Everyone

my device is usb hid i don't have any problem to device detection but i only want to read and write eeprom from windows programming languages such as vc,delphi...
if you have a sample or link please send me .

thanks a lot
