Libusb or not?
Libusb or not?
I just have few question...
If I use HID device can I send the data thru control endpoint 0?
Do I must need the libusb or is that possible with standard vin API calls?
What size of data can be send in control endpoint 0?
I need to send data packet as short as 5 bytes but can be long 250 bytes too. Is that possible? Or I need to always send max size packet?
Same is for receive. the packets are of different lenghts can I send back only 1 byte or I should use MAX size of packet?
I just have few question...
If I use HID device can I send the data thru control endpoint 0?
Do I must need the libusb or is that possible with standard vin API calls?
What size of data can be send in control endpoint 0?
I need to send data packet as short as 5 bytes but can be long 250 bytes too. Is that possible? Or I need to always send max size packet?
Same is for receive. the packets are of different lenghts can I send back only 1 byte or I should use MAX size of packet?
Re: Libusb or not?
eslavko wrote:If I use HID device can I send the data thru control endpoint 0?
Sure, by using HID feature reports. Try out the HID-data example, hopefully it will answer the rest of your questions and does pretty much what you're asking already.
Re: Libusb or not?
As far I understand that If I use API call instead libusb then I have only fixed data len (of . Is that true?
Re: Libusb or not?
As far as I am aware, the driver splits all control transfers (function read/write) into 8 byte packets regardless of the payload. Maybe you need to use an interrupt endpoint?
Sorry, i'm really not sure what you are trying to do.
Sorry, i'm really not sure what you are trying to do.
Re: Libusb or not?
Just want simplest interface (if it's possible without DLL's on WinXP) and to be able to send data of variable length in both ways.
Re: Libusb or not?
I too am trying to do the hid_data example without libusb .
can you please tell more about how to use control endpoint 0 to do it ?
can you please tell more about how to use control endpoint 0 to do it ?
Re: Libusb or not?
It possible to send data with windows API HidD_SetFeature and to receive it with HidD_GetFeature.
The only problem is that the the length is predefined in descriptor's. So If you have descriptor for 8 bytes then you must send 8 bytes. So I had two (or more) descriptors with different length's. For example I had one capture device. I had two descriptors. One is for 8 bytes data (intended to control parameters) and other is 128 bytes long for receiving data. And work's well.
The only problem is that the the length is predefined in descriptor's. So If you have descriptor for 8 bytes then you must send 8 bytes. So I had two (or more) descriptors with different length's. For example I had one capture device. I had two descriptors. One is for 8 bytes data (intended to control parameters) and other is 128 bytes long for receiving data. And work's well.
Re: Libusb or not?
There is my function to open HID device written in FreeBasic language.
Code: Select all
function OpenHID(vid as integer,pid as integer,byval manufacturerp as byte ptr,byval productp as byte ptr,debug as integer=0) as HANDLE export
dim as string manufacturer, product
manufacturer = *manufacturerp
product = *productp
size As Dword
VendorID As Word
ProductID As Word
VersionNumber As Word
End Type
cbSize As Integer
txt As ZString*250
End Type
Dim As guid hidGuid
dim as HDEVINFO deviceInfoList
dim as HANDLE handle = cast(any ptr,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
dim as DWORD size
dim as integer OpenFlag=0
dim as HIDD_ATTRIBUTES deviceAttributes
Dim As WString*128 WS
HidD_GetHidGuid (@hidGuid)
deviceInfoList = SetupDiGetClassDevs(@hidGuid,0,0,DIGCF_PRESENT or DIGCF_INTERFACEDEVICE)
If deviceInfoList = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then return cast(any ptr,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
for i as integer=0 to 100000
if handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then CloseHandle(handle):handle = cast(any ptr,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
deviceInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA)
if SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(deviceInfoList, 0, @hidGuid, i, @deviceInfo)=0 then return cast(any ptr,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(deviceInfoList,@deviceInfo,0,0,@size,0) 'samo da dobim size!
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(deviceInfoList,@deviceInfo,cast(any ptr,@DetailData),size,@size,0)
if handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then return cast(any ptr,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
deviceAttributes.Size = sizeof(deviceAttributes)
HidD_GetAttributes(handle, @deviceAttributes)
if debug then
print"VID:"; hex(deviceAttributes.VendorID,4);
print" PID:"; hex(deviceAttributes.ProductID,4);
print" Ver:"; hex(deviceAttributes.VersionNumber,4);
If HidD_GetManufacturerString(handle,StrPtr(WS), 128)<>0 Then Print " Mfg:" ; WS;
If HidD_GetProductString(handle,StrPtr(WS), 128)<>0 Then Print " Product:" ; WS;
end if
if vid=deviceAttributes.VendorID then
if pid=deviceAttributes.ProductID then
If HidD_GetManufacturerString(handle,StrPtr(WS), 128)<>0 Then
if manufacturer=Ws then
If HidD_GetProductString(handle,StrPtr(WS), 128)<>0 Then
if Product=Ws then
exit for 'just my device
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end function
Re: Libusb or not?
Just use different feature number for your different lengths and check the feature number in usbFunctionSetup
Code: Select all
if (rq->bRequest == USBRQ_HID_SET_REPORT) //(0x09)
if (rq->wValue.bytes[0] == 2)
DataRemaining = DATA_FTSIZE;
return USB_NO_MSG;
else if (rq->wValue.bytes[0] == 1) // only if the report ID is 1
DataRemaining = 0;
return USB_NO_MSG; // tell driver to call usbFunctionWrite with data
Re: Libusb or not?
...just already do that...