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Bulk-In endpoints

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:07 pm
by tommy
Hi, I want to use Bulk-In endpoints because I think its the compatible counterpart to Linux' usb_bulk_msg().
I want to receive data in the way like described in the Driver API:

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if(usbInterruptIsReady()){               // only if previous data was sent
    uchar *p;
    uchar len = getInterruptData(&p);   // obtain chunk of max 8 bytes
    if(len > 0)                         // only send if we have data
        usbSetInterrupt(p, len);

Unfortunately I can not find the getInterruptData() method. I do not see how I should implement it by myself.
What I want to do is reading the received data in any way that usb_bulk_msg() on host side returns 0.

Thanks in advance,
